I had a lovely week this week thanks to two schools, their staff and awesome students.
On Wednesday I spent the day at Carmel School, working with Year 7, 9 and 11 students. I was so warmly greeted by staff, and then had the pleasure of talking with inquisitive, engaged students – as a writer-in-residence, you really can’t ask for more than that.
So I was really thrilled to receive an email from the school principal saying: ‘Thank you so much for coming to Carmel school. I loved the session I was in with Year 11. I have seen many writers in residence present to students and never have I seen students as engaged and interested as they were in your session.’
Here’s a photo of Carmel’s brilliant Year 11s, some of the staff, and me.
Later in the week I began a much longer residency – 14 weeks at John Curtin College of the Arts. I met with amazing English teacher, Ms McBride, and 20 students from years 7 to 10, who have chosen to attend the W-i-R program, even though it’s not during school time. It’s hard not to be impressed by students who have already done a full day of school but are keen enough to then spend another 90 minutes of their own time, working hard, starting some excellent conversations about writing (and reading) and firing up about their writing. I can’t wait to see ‘my’ JCCA creative writing students again next Thursday.